The talks:
“Larp & You (or, I Will Make You Even Nerdier, and That is a Threat)” by Marshall Bradshaw
Have you always wondered about the dark depths of nerdiness called, “larp?” Our expert will initiate you in its arcane forms, with a personality quiz to follow.
“The Year Without a Summer (or, How a South Pacific Volcano Wrecked the Global North and Lord Byron’s Vacation)”by Rebecca Speas
A journey through the colossal global fallout of a single volcanic eruption in 1815, and how it directly led to the 2004 cinematic masterpiece Van Helsing, starring Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale.
“From Plenty of Fish to FishFinder: Finding Love in a Weird and Dirty World”by Tiffany Atkinson
What do fish look for when trying to find true love? A question that has probably kept many of you lying awake at night. Can they be that different than us? Let’s explore these tantalizing questions and learn what’s sexy and what’s not.
The time: Sat, Feb 18th. Doors at 6, show at 6:30.
The tickets: Here