You know the drill. Three amazing speakers. Three weird-but-fascinating talks. One great evening.
This month’s lineup:
“Speedrunning: The Art of Going Fast and Breaking Video Games (and all my controllers in the process)” by RUBIEHART
Why play a video game for fun and relaxation when you can master it and break it’s physics into a million pieces? Join RUBIEHART on a deep dive into what speedrunning is, and the journey of one of the greatest e-sports of this generation.
!!!! ALSO !!!! come to the show early (6pm early, not 6am early) and have a chance to try your own hand at a boss battle speed run. Who knows, you might even beat RUBIEHART’s best time? (Lol, right. Good luck n00b).
“Bees?! Strength, irrelevant. Resistance, futile. They wish to improve themselves.” by Katherine Offutt
Contrary to popular belief: DC’s most productive residents do in fact work on capitol hill! The district is home to over 200 urban beekeepers, and 15 million bees – what makes bees so well suited to receiving aid from people, and why have people been messing around in hives for centuries? We’ve been assimilated, of course.
“Butt Soft, What Butt Through Yonder Window Butts??: An Exploration Of Butts and Things That Aren’t Butts But Look a Whole Lot Like Butts” by Rae Pendergrass
WTF is a butt!? Can butts be weaponized?? If an animal plops some goop out of their all-purpose hole that is both a mouth and an anus, is it pooping or throwing up?! Is it really biologically likely that an anaconda wouldn’t want none unless you’ve got buns, hun!?!? Is being a buttface really as bad and shameful as Andrew from 2nd grade once tried to imply when he called me one while blowing raspberries in my direction???????????????
The deetz:
Doors at 6, show at 6:30 (ish) @ DC9 nightclub
$10 tickets available online or at the door (until we sell out)
We do a short break between lectures so you can socialize, intoxicate yourself, pee, call your agent, plan a heist, etc. There’s tasty food and drink at the venue, so come hungry and thirsty.
We also have an extra special show for you this month IN ADDITION to our regular Nerd Nite programming! We love you so much, we want to see you more than once this month!! If you love sea shanties, you will shat you pants when you hear SPACE SHANTIES!!! Come see Captain Ben Corbin’s Space Shanty Singalong Spectacular! Not to mention, we will have Space Burlesque by Maki Roll, Space Comedy by Kasha Patel, and Space Swag by NASA!!

Space Shanties are on TUESDAY, 07/18 at 7:00pm @ DC9 (later than our normal show time!)
Want to give a talk? Want to tell us we’re cute? Want to send us $50,000? Email us at dc at nerdnite dotcom.