Date: Saturday, September 21st
Time: Doors at 6, show at 6:30
Where: DC9 Nightclub
“What’s the Worst that Can Happen in 38 Minutes: The Anglo-Zanzibar War” by Andy Weld
Description: The Anglo-Zanzibar War was the shortest war in history! Why did it happen? How did happen? What did it mean for England, Zanzibar and Colonial Africa more broadly? Let’s find out!
Bio: Andy Weld is a writer, actor, director and occasional PR professional with a passion for, and undergraduate degree in, African History. Andy has performed sketch comedy all over the US and Canada with DC sketch group Bad Medicine and, in 2022, wrote and directed his first play, Stranded.
“But Daddy! I love him!: Exploring the Manifestation of Trauma in The Little Mermaid” by Saundra Bishop
Description: Trauma is a topic all of us are aware of but let’s explore different definitions of trauma, how it manifests through behavior, and possible ways to address it: through case studies of characters in our childhood cartoon The Little Mermaid. Let’s dig deep into why King Triton lashes out, why Ariel falls in love so easily, and why Prince Eric is so clueless! After this, you’ll see this classic movie in a whole new way.
Bio: Saundra Bishop is the founder, CEO, and Clinical Director of Beyond the BASICS and the author of The Trauma Informed Behavior Management Handbook. She was also a foster parent for 7 years and adopted 3 of her 4 kids from foster care. She was asked to write a 10 word bio once and came up with “I’m basically an octopus: smart, fierce, and live like I have 8 arms” and it pretty much sums her up‐ including her penchant for using extra words for pizzaz.
The History Of Dungeons & Dragons”by Trevor Valle
Description: D&D has become, once again, a household name. When did it all start, and why is it different (and WAY BETTER) today?
Bio: Trevor Valle is a professional DM, and has been playing D&D and other role-playing games for over 4 decades. He also likes dead stuff, accelerating stuff, and flying stuff, but those are different talks.