Author: dc

Thanks for making nerd nite DC a success!

We were so overwhelmed with the sheer amount of inquiring minds at our last even on Dec 5th. Over 200 people came out to help make the nerd nite DC official debut as nerdtastic as possible. We have secured our next date for Jan 23rd at DC9 and hope to continue on a monthly basis. Stay tuned for more info on upcoming speakers and entertainment.

Presenters for Nerd Nite Dec 5th are announced!

Hurray! We have just updated our homepage with the names and titles of the next installation of Nerd Nite DC. What else would you possibly want to do on a Saturday evening rather than learn about bugs getting it on, Scrabble players duking it out for the title of freakiest Word Freak, and shrimp that are powerful enough to split an unsuspecting human’s thumb.

All this and a musical serenade by the Daycare Swindlers.

Saturday evenings cannot get any better than this (except for maybe the next Nerd Nite DC)

nerd nite DC has a facebook group!

nerd nite DC is gaining momentum and is now over 90 members strong! Nerds of DC unite! Join our facebook group